

Our Approach

Corporate Confidence Index confines itself to measuring & monitoring sentiment.
We have chosen not to provide investor relations consulting or other similar services that impinge on our objectivity and independence.

Buy and sell-side respondents know that we have no agenda to change their perceptions. Companies know that we have no vested interest in the outcome of results and derive no further consulting work that is dependent on outcomes.

Qualitative work
While the Corporate Confidence Index is principally a quantitative study, companies sometimes need to know more about specific areas of concern.

Our methodology can facilitate qualitative questioning that is focused on only those respondents that exhibit specific concerns during quantitative interviews. Analysts and fund managers can be asked follow-up questions if they have indicated concerns (by providing low scores) during face-to-face interviews.

By making qualitative questioning score-dependent, qualitative research is highly targeted, efficient, economic and only conducted on a "need to know" basis. Qualitative results are presented as unattributed verbatim responses.